Play the tablature example below - you alternate playing fretted notes at the 5th and 7th frets with a note fretted at the 5th and then bent up two semitones. Try to get the pitch of the bent note to be the same as the pitch of the note fretted at the 7th fret. Play the notes slowly.
NB: b = bend, r = release bend
E---5---7---5b7---5---7---5b7---------- B-------------------------------------- G-------------------------------------- D-------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------Now try something different. Instead of picking a note at the 5th fret and bending it up, you now bend the note without picking it, and once you have bent it by what you think is the right amount, you pick the note and then release the bend. When you pick the pre-bent note, it should have the same pitch as the note fretted at the 7th fret.
Because you don't hear the note pitch change as you bend it, this is a more difficult exercise, but worth practising!
E---5---7---7r5---5---7---7r5---------- B-------------------------------------- G-------------------------------------- D-------------------------------------- A-------------------------------------- E--------------------------------------